Товары, соответствующие критериям поиска
SunStar MPPT SS-40CX 40А, 240В на входе
Prosolar SunStar MPPT SS-40CX 40А является продвинутым контроллером для солнечных фотоэлектрических модулей с функцией слежения за точкой максимальной мощности (ТММ) солнечного м..
44555 ₽ 81548 ₽
WTL 12-50 Зарядное устройство для Li...
Challenger WTL 12-50 – это зарядное устройство для литиево-железофосфатных аккумуляторов. Модель предлагает ряд удобных и важных особенностей, которые делают её прекрасным выбором для э..
24035 ₽
SE Conext XW-MPPT 80-600 контроллер заряда ...
Силовая электроника (инверторы и солнечные контроллеры) Schnider Electric в настоящее время официально в РФ не поставляется, поэтому цена может быть указана неправильная. Обращайтесь к нашим ..
187720 ₽
Studer VarioString VS-120, MPPT контроллер 120А 4...
The VarioString responds to the toughest requirements in efficiency in solar installations. It also reduces the system costs by accepting PV strings up to 600 or 900Vdc. This allows for a more simple installation and reduces the installation time and material costs: reduction in cable cross-section and length, absence of junction box and string fuses. The two isolated MPPT inputs allow for the integration of PV strings with different electrical characteristics and orientations. The reinforced isolation between the PV modules and the battery allows for any combination of grounding schemes and an optimised system security. Features and performances Reduces Balance of System costs ( Eliminates expensive wiring for parallel strings, saving wires, connectors, junction boxes, fuses, space, time etc.) Safe, simple and trouble free connection with SUNCLIXTM (Phoenix Contact "tool free") PV connector. Fully protected against wrong wiring Simplified safety rules by full isolation between PV and battery and between MPPT inputs Any grounding strategy applicable thanks to isolated MPPT inputs. Grounding system fault detection Fast precise best in class tracking algorithm brings MPPT efficiency >99% World champion for efficiency in isolated converter with >98% conversion efficiency 7kW per unit and up to 15 units in parallel: 105kW Low self-consumption: <1.2W in night mode 4 step charger fully programmable for longer battery life 9 LEDs to monitor status and current Optimal usage in an Xtender system with a synchronized battery management Comprehensive display, programming and data logging with the RCC-02/-03 SUNCLIXTM (Phoenix Contact "tool free") 2 pairs supplied with unit Model Dimensions (h/w/l) [mm] Weight VS-120 133/322/466 7.5kg
399380 ₽